Master pattern block - Assignment 1


Week 4
Andi Syahnaz Asyira - 0350545
Bachelors in Fashion Design Technology (Hons)
Taylor's University
Introduction to Pattern Drafting and Garment Making

This week, we are given our first assignment for Mr. Riza's class. The assignment is on Master Pattern Block. The submission must include the Master Pattern Block on Mahjong paper and Pattern Block on boxboard for :
  1. Bodice (Size 10 & Size 12)
  2. Sleeve (Size 10 & Size 12)
  3. Skirt ( Size 10 & Size 12)
  4. Pants (Size 10 & Size 12)

First, I made the Master Pattern Block on Mahjong paper based on the measurements from the handouts given by Mr. Riza on Microsoft Teams. I measured and traced everything with a pencil and curved rulers first before going in with a permanent black marker to make the lines more visible.

Figure 1.1
Bodice Block Handout

Figure 1.2
Sleeve Block Handout

Figure 1.3
Bodice & Sleeve Block Size 10

Figure 1.4
Bodice & Sleeve Block Size 12

Figure 1.5
Skirt Block Handout

Figure 1.6
Skirt Block Size 10

Figure 1.7
Skirt Block Size 12

Figure 1.8 
Pants Block Handout

Figure 1.9 
Pants Block Size 10

Figure 1.10 
Pants Block Size 12

Then, I transferred the pattern that I made on the Mahjong paper to a boxboard. This part was a bit complicated since the lines on the boxboard are not very visible and the pattern blocks are pretty large so it was hard to cut. I made sure not to forget any lines and darts as it is very important for the final outcome. Then, I cut the box board, leaving out the darts because Mr. Riza told us to not cut it yet. 

Here is my final outcome for the Master Pattern Block :

Figure 2.1
Bodice Master Pattern Block Size 10

Figure 2.2
Bodice Master Pattern Block Size 12

Figure 2.3
Sleeve Mastern Pattern Block Size 10

Figure 2.4
Sleeve Master Pattern Block Size 12

Figure 2.5 
Skirt Master Pattern Block Size 10

Figure 2.6 
Skirt Master Pattern Block Size 12 

Figure 2.7 
Pants Master Pattern Block Size 10

Figure 2.8
Pants Master Pattern Block Size 12


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