Final Project : Essential Fashion


Andi Syahnaz Asyira - 0350545 
Bachelor in Fashion Design Technology (Hons)
Taylor's University
Introduction to Fashion Design

For this final project, we are required to create a capsule collection. The capsule collection consists of 15 looks. As the theme is called "Essential Fashion" we may design the collection with a number of recurrent essential pieces. 

Identifying my target market. My target market are women around the ages of 18 to 30 with middle range incomes. Women with fashionable and trendy lifestyle, and are conscious consumers residing in an urban area. 

My muse for this collection is Jung Hoyeon. She is a Korean model and actress born in 1994. I chose her as my muse because her face gives off a unique but charming look. She wears a lot of basic and commonly seen items but her chic and diverse fashion style makes her attract attention everywhere.

Next I created my Moodboard, Concept board, and Colourboard to help me design the collection and set a direction for my design. 

These are the designs for the final collection. It contains 15 designs, but for this final project, I will making 2 design which consists of 4 garments. 

After discussing with Ms. Maria, We decided on these designs that I will be making into actual garments.

Here are the technical drawings and final outcomes for the final line up.





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