Final Project


Andi Syahnaz Asyira - 0350545
Bachelor in Fashion Design Technology (Hons)
Taylor's University 
Design Principles 

Final Project 

We now have a clear idea of what we want to do for this final project, thanks to our discussion with Miss Jinchi. We gathered all of our top main ideas that we came up with as a result of the data collection, which includes : 
  • Shirt
  • Hand Bag
  • Bucket Hat
  • Tote Bag
  • Sweater vest
  • Sneakers/Shoes
We chose the bag, shirt, sweater vest, and hat as our final product from those six options. We also completed three batik designs that will be used throughout the project. 

Final Patterns 

After consulting with Miss Jinchi, she advised that it is better to have multiple designs in order to provide options and variety. Here are our final patterns:

The first pattern is based on batik kawung that has been perfected with the flow of Padi dan Kapas, which adds Pancasila spirit.

Fig 1.1   Go with the flow Batik

The Batik Bhinneka pattern consist of burung garudas in between the Mega Mendung batik patterns surrounded by Indonesia's national bunga anggrek.

Fig 1.2   Batik Bhinneka

This modernised kawung pattern was created by combining traditional kawung batik with the popular hounstooth pattern.

Fig 1.3   Modernized Kawung

Final Logo 

The logo we have created is inspired by the shape of batik parang. These are the finalized logos:

Fig 2.1   Wordmark Logo

Fig 2.2   Lettermark Logo

Final Products 

According to our data collection survey, tops such as t-shirts and oversized tees, as well as bucket hats and bags, are the most popular fashion items among our target audience. As a result, we tried to design our products with that in mind. Here are the finalized product designs that we came up with: 

Fig 3.1   Mega Mending Bucket Hat (The OGs Collection)

Fig 3.1   Mega Mending Baguette Bag (The OGs Collection)

Fig 3.3   Modernized Kawung Sweater Vest (The OGs Collection)

Fig 3.4   Go With The Flow Bucket Hat 

Fig 3.5   Go With The Flow T-shirt

Fig 3.6   Batik Bhinneka Tote Bag

Fig 3.7   Batik Bhinneka Tshirt

Fig 3.8 Head in the clouds Tote Bag Pink

Fig 3.9   Head in the clouds Bucket Hat Pink

Fig 3.10   Head in the clouds Tote Bag White 

Final Packaging 

We have also designed some packagings and thank you cards. Packaging is an essential component of product branding and marketing. A well-designed package can increase the product's appeal and, as a result, influence the customer to buy it. The brand's visual presence should convey not only the product's quality, but also the brand's unique personality.

We chose cardboard, paper, and compostable poly mailers over single-use plastic packaging because they are reusable, recyclable, biodegradable, and versatile.

Fig 4.1   Box and Wrapper

Fig 4.2   Thank You Card 

Fig 4.3   Compostable Poly Mailer

Final Project Presentation 

Link for Final Presentation video - Click here

Individual Reflection

This module has taught me more about my culture, how to cope with anxiety, and how to push myself outside of my comfort zone. I thought I knew my own culture because I'd spent my entire life in Indonesia, but doing research for this project really opened my eyes to how rich the culture is and how much I still have to learn. I was nervous about this project at first because we were told to group ourselves with people from different majors or semesters, which meant I wouldn't be in the same group as people I knew, but it turned out that I was surrounded by wonderful people who made this experience great for me.

I believe that my strength in this module is that I enjoy learning something new, particularly on the creative side of things. My weaknesses are that I have difficulty speaking up and that I have poor time management. When I'm having trouble with something, I usually keep it to myself and try to figure it out on my own, and I have a habit of procrastinating until the last minute. I am definitely more educated on how to do proposals, data collections, and especially product designs, after taking this module. If I had to change anything about this module, it would be that there were more clear instructions on specific assignments, but thankfully, our professors' consultations compensate for this.


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