Project 1 - Proposal


Andi Syahnaz Asyira - 0350545
Bachelor in Fashion Design Technology (Hons)
Taylor's University 
Design Principles 

Project 1 - Proposal

For this project, we must create a proposal to concretize ideas, supported by research, for a final design centred on a given theme. We had our first meeting and discussed some possible topics for our project. We wanted to focus our topic on Indonesian cultures because all of our group members are from Indonesia. After much deliberation, we decided on Wayang Kulit and batik, but since another group had already chosen Wayang Kulit, we went with batik.

After our first group discussion with Ms. Jinchi, we decided on our theme, which is purpose. Following that, we began talking about our research problems, questions, and objectives.

After we were certain and clear about our topic, we expanded our research into the origin, techniques, motifs, and types of batik, among other things. To ensure that everyone contributed equally to this proposal, we assigned each member to conduct research on a specific part. 

I'm in charge of the Batik symbols and lifestyle.

Batik is a cultural element that dates back thousands of years. Making batik is more than just a physical activity, it also has a deeper connection that includes prayer, hope, and lesson. Batik motifs have a symbolic significance in ancient Javanese people. The ancient Javanese community realized that batik motifs can be used to determine social stratification.

Many Indonesian batik patterns are symbolic. Babies are held in batik slings with symbols said to bring luck to the child. Some Javanese rituals, such as the ceremonial casting of royal batik into a volcano, rely heavily on batik garments. In the Javanese naloni mitoni ceremony, a prenatal ceremony held during the seventh month of a woman’s first pregnancy, the mother-to-be is wrapped in seven layers of batik and doused with water. Each batik cloth has a high philosophical value in hopes that the baby will have a good personality. Batik is also used in the tedak siren ceremony, which commemorates a child’s first contact with the earth. This ritual illustrates that the child is ready to begin a successful life with God’s blessing and their parents’ guidance. 

Fig 1.1   Tedak Siren ceremony

Traditionally, batik is sold in 2.25 meter lengths used for kain panjang or sarong. It is worn by wrapping it around the hip or turning it into a blangkon hat. Specific pattern requirements are frequently reserved for brides and grooms, as well as their families. Such as the truntum motif which means a symbol of love that never ends.

Fig 1.2   Javanese Wedding 

Batik is also used for death ceremonies in Javanese culture, specifically as a body cover for the lurub layon ceremony. The slobok motif is a batik motif that represents grief. This batik motif symbolizes the hope that the spirits’ journey to God will be easy and smooth. 

Batik makers frequently modify, combine, or invent new iterations of well-known patterns, allowing people to choose any batik pattern according to their taste and preference from casual to formal situations. Aside from that, batik has now become a staple of Indonesian culture, worn at work, school, as well as formal and non-formal events. Many young designers have drawn inspiration from batik to create their designs. These young designers’ creativity has resulted in a wide range of batik clothing designs that are both elegant, functional, and meet the needs of today’s modern lifestyle. This not only boosts the batik industry, but also raises awareness of cultural and national identity among the general public.

Fig 1.4   Formal occasions

Fig 1.5   Casual Wear 
Source : Instagram 

Fig 1.6   Work Uniform

Preliminary Ideas

Then we each came up with a preliminary idea, giving us a total of six preliminary ideas. I came up with fashion items like handbags, a corset top, and a jacket for my concept, all of which featured a batik pattern.

Fig 2   Preliminary idea

Here are some more ideas from our group members:
  • Batik Paint by Number/Colouring book (Wendy)
  • Tote Bag (Kenisha)
  • Thank You Cards, Invitation Cards, Greeting Cards (Michelle)
  • Sticker Pack (Angelyn)
  • Shoes and Hats (Wiceline)
Final Proposal

Link for Final Proposal : Click here

Final Proposal Presentation

Link for Final Proposal Presentation : Click here


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