Project 2 - Field Study


Andi Syahnaz Asyira - 0350545
Bachelor in Fashion Design Technology (Hons)
Taylor's University 
Design Principles 

Project 2 - Field Study 

We are required to collect data on our chosen culture from week 4 to week 5.

The first method of data collection that we used was a Google form survey. We can approach our target audience about their personal preferences in batik fashion using this method. We shared the questionnaire among our friends and on social media. We received 89 responses, with 95.5 percent of whom are from Generation Z. This indicates that the target demographic of respondents has been reached.

Through this survey we've concluded that tops are a popular fashion item that people will buy regardless. However, given the growing popularity of batik in shirts, we'd like to see more batik in other items like hats and bags. Batik is also reserved for formal occasions such as weddings, school, and work. 

Link to google form : Click here

The second method that we used to collect data is a case study from an exhibition hosted by Karya Kreatif Indonesia 2021. From this case study we can conclude that every region has its own preferences for motif and color in batik, there aren't many distinctions between the medium and the material, and the products are available at a variety of prices.

Link to virtual exhibition : Click here

Because a survey is limited and a case study is too broad, we conducted some interviews to obtain more accurate and detailed information. We spoke with two online Batik stores in Indonesia, Kanaya batik and Kuswati, the owner of Uzbatik.

Interview questions:

1. May you introduce yourself please?

To get to know the interviewee.

2. When and how did you start your business?

To learn when and how the interviewee started their Batik business as well as their background story.

3. According to you, what is the meaning of Batik?
To understand what does Batik mean to the interviewee.
4. What is the average age group of the customers that buy your products? Are there more people under the age of 17, between the ages of 17 and 25, or above the age of 25?
To identify the group of age that are interested in buying Batik products the most.
5. Since you are running a Batik business in the fashion industry, what product do you believe is the most popular among today's generation? For example, shirt, shoes, hats, outers, and so on.
To identify which fashion item is the most popular among the gen Z according to the interviewee point of view and personal experiences.
6. What quality/ies do you look for in a batik product? (Design, Colour, Form, Material)
To learn which quality between design, colour, form and material of Batik is more important according to the interviewee point of view and personal experiences.

7. Why do you prioritize that quality/ies?
To understand the reason why the interviewee answers question no. 6.
8. According to you, do you prefer Traditional Batik or Modern Batik? Why?
To learn the interviewee's personal preference and opinion between the traditional and modern batik.
9. What are the most popular batik motifs among buyers?
To identify the most popular Batik motifs that were sold the most according to the interviewee point of view and personal experiences.
10. Do the colours used in Batik, in your opinion, have an effect on buyers? What colours are buyers most interested in? (Colorful, Brown, Indigo, Vibrant, Black)
To identify whether colours affect consumers purchasing decisions when it comes to Batik products and which colour receives the most attention.

Fig 1.1 - Fig 1.3 Interview with Kuswati, owner of Uzbatik

Fig 1.4   Interview with Kanaya Batik

We learned from these interviews that a design that follows current fashion trends is critical. Color also plays a significant role in this case; different people have different colour preferences. Younger people, on the other hand, are less likely to buy a batik product, which is the problem we're trying to solve.

Final Data Collection 

Link to Final Data Collection PDF : Click here

Final Presentation 

Link for the Final Data Collection Presentation : Click here


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