Task 1 - Experimentation On Media: Hatching Pen


Andi Syahnaz Asyira - 0350545 
Bachelor in Fashion Design Technology (Hons)
Taylor's University
Fashion Illustration 

Week 1 

On week 1, Mr JR briefed us on all of our upcoming assignments as well as the supplies we'll need to complete them so that we'll be ready when the time comes.

We are tasked with creating figure drawing and body proportion for womenswear and menswear using a black Artline pen (0.2-0.8). Mr JR clarified that we use 'angled hatch strokes' to depict figure and body proportions. This 'hatching' strokes technique allows us to systematise the stability of our strokes movement, and it will also be the start of our initial strokes on other experimentation media. 

First we have to look for the editorial pictures that we are going to use, mr JR suggested that we find 3-4 pictures to discuss the options with him. After looking through Pinterest, I decided to go with this picture.

fig 1.0   reference picture

Then we begin practising our strokes on a piece of paper, and once we are comfortable with the strokes, we begin practising the drawing on an a4 sheet of paper. After asking Mr. JR for his opinion, he says it's already good, but I need to be more careful with my strokes and start them more cleanly. One issue I keep having is pushing the pen too hard, causing the lines to be very thick, and being impatient, causing the lines to be uncoordinated, which is something I kept in mind while doing the actual drawing.

Week 2 

This week, we started the practice drawing on an a2 paper. 

fig 2.0   practice drawing

fig 2.1   practice drawing

Week 3 

This week we started the actual final drawing on a2 paper. 

fig 3.0   starting actual drawing

fig 3.1   actual drawing progress

fig 3.2   actual drawing progress

Week 4 

The task 1 submission was due this week. Although at first it was frustrating because my strokes were too harsh and the drawing was "ugly," it turned out to be more enjoyable than I had anticipated. But after working on my strokes and being cautious when drawing the final, I am actually happy with the outcome, despite this being my first time using this medium. and I think I did pretty well.

fig 4.0   final outcome


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