Self Portrait - Project 1


Week 7 
Andi Syahnaz Asyira - 0350545
Bachelor in Fashion Design Technology (Hons)
Taylor’s University
Design Principles

This week, we learned about self portrait.

Self portrait is a representation of an artist about themselves. A self portrait doesn’t need to be a direct portrait or drawing of your face. Self portraits can be done in abstract, and can include imagery other than your face or body. You are free to draw yourself in any style, in order to represent what you are feeling, and how you are seen by others, in the piece.

Figure 1.1  Self Portrait by Vincent van Gogh

Figure 1.2  Self Portrait by Frida Kahlo

Project 1 - Self Portrait

Visual Research

Figure 2.1  Artwork by Bao Pham

Figure 2.2   Painting by Rustamadji

Figure 2.3  Dian Sastro in a traditional Kebaya

Figure 2.4  Batik Megamendung

For this project, I was thinking of incorporating my cultural background to the design. Since I'm Javanese, I was thinking of including Javanese culture such as Kebaya and Javanese batik. I wanted to recreate the style of antique Indonesian portrait paintings which reminded me of the ones in my grandmothers house, since those are one of the most memorable things I could remember from my childhood. 

Idea Exploration

Mind Mapping

Figure 3.1  Mind Map

Figure 3.2  Sketch 1

Figure 3.3  Sketch 2 

The first sketch was my initial idea for this project but it did not turn out like I wanted, and it looked to cartoon-ish for the style I was going for. So I tried to do another sketch where I traced a picture of myself to make it more realistic. I ended up using the second sketch. The hairstyle looked too modern so I switched it to a low bun, since that is the most commonly worn hairstyle back then. 


Figure 4.1  Final Outcome 1

Figure 4.2  Final Outcome 2

These are my final outcomes for Self portrait. I could not choose which design I liked more. I like the simplicity of the first design, but the second one looked more complete with the design of batik Megamendung added in the background. 


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