Final Compilation - Design Principles


Andi Syahnaz Asyira - 0350545
Bachelor in Fashion Design Technology (Hons)
Taylor's University 
Design Principles 

Exercise 1 - Gestalt Theory and Contrast

Figure 1.0   Gestalt Theory - Principle of Figure and Ground

Figure 1.1   Contrast

Exercise 2 - Balance and Repetition 

Figure 2.0   Balance - Asymmetrical balance

Figure 2.1   Repetition 

Exercise 3 - Symbol and Word & Image 

Figure 3.0   Symbol - Pictorial Symbol

Figure 3.1   Word and Image 

Project 1 - Self-Portrait 

Figure 4.0   Self Portrait 

Project 2 - Sense of Place

Figure 5.0   Sense of Place 

Project 3 - Visual Analysis and Final Project

Figure 6.1   Final Project

Link to detailed post :

Final reflection 

I learned a lot in this module. Mostly the principles of design and how I can make use of them. Enrolling in a fashion design programme, I did not think I would have to learn this module, but I'm glad I did because it has helped me get a better understanding about the basics and fundamentals of design. Which ended up helping me in other modules as well.

I think the thing I enjoyed the most is how Ms. Jinchi gave us freedom in designing what we want or what medium we want to use. Doing the visual research was fun because we get to explore different styles and techniques, but when it came to actually designing the artwork, I was very torn and uncertain because I wasn't able to actually put what I had in mind and my ideas into the design. 

I was able to be better at time management. I needed a couple of weeks to be able to get used to the exercise and assignments, but after that I was able to keep up with the module. 

I don't feel like there is anything to be improved in this module. Ms. Jinchi's way of teaching is very easy to follow. She's very encouraging and gives great feedbacks in order for us to improve our work. 


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