
Andi Syahnaz Asyira - 0350545
Bachelor in Fashion Design Technology (Hons)
Taylor's University
Fashion Project 2 


What is body image? 
Our body image is formed by the thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs we have about our bodies and how we look. This includes our shape, size, with, gender identity and the way our body functions for us. Body image issues affect people of all ages, genders, and across all cultures.

When it comes to our bodies and appearance, we may experience a wide range of emotions, including satisfaction to dissatisfaction to neutrality. In either case, how we interact with the outside world can be influenced by our body image. 

Adopting a healthy body image
Having a healthy body image goes beyond what’s reflected in the mirror. It includes having compassion for yourself and recognizing the strengths and qualities that make you unique beyond your weight, shape or appearance.

Body image is also connected to your self-esteem. When you feel valued and respected, you're more likely to feel positive about your whole self, including your body or physical characteristics. If you're going through a hard time, it can be difficult to feel good and be kind to yourself. 

Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Sunway School Visit

This semester, we have the chance to collaborate with SOED students to discuss body image and positivity with the children in SBSK. 

On the first session, the students in fashion and education are split up into a few groups. During this breakout session, we will give the kids a quick explanation of body image and positivity and engage them in a brainstorming activity. 

Then, we ask the kids to share their thoughts on the matter, their opinions on the clothing they should wear, and their thoughts on how they might use fashion to encourage positive body image. Then we instructed them to visualize their thoughts on paper. 

We will use this breakout session to conduct our research and develop our design.

On the second session, we were assigned to the previous session's group; the kids are warming up to us, making it easier to communicate with them. 

I started by presenting my design and subject matter to the kids and receiving their feedback. Then we asked them to create a slogan for the topic and a simple poster out of construction paper.

On the third and final session, we had ms plus Malaysia come in and talk about their struggles and how they dealt with them, as well as give the kids advice on self-love and respecting others. 

Then we had some students from both the education and fashion majors share their reflections, as well as some kids from the SBSK share their learning experience.


Becca Levy, professor of epidemiology and psychology at Yale School and senior author of the study, claims that the increased treatment of old age as a disability as well as the simple rise in the population of older people are to blame for the long-term decline in positive views of the elderly. Increasingly, older people are seen as problems for doctors to solve, putting a burden on society.

The association of ageing with medicalization and disability, according to Joan Monin, a professor of epidemiology at Yale School and one of the study's co-authors, may have contributed to the rise in negative perceptions. She continued by saying that the media needs to alter how older adults are portrayed if the trend is to be reversed.

Children today are exposed to negative portrayals of the elderly on television from an early age and frequently internalize these biases, according to Monin. Children learn from advertisements that aging is something to be fought with whatever pills are required to do the job, rather than seeing it as a fundamental aspect of life. She claimed that as they get older, these children and adults develop a fundamentally negative view of the elderly as a group to be avoided or pitied.


I wanted to use the subject matter, some fabric manipulation, and textures in the moodboard. I chose these two images of older women because they clearly display the wrinkles up close.  I selected a few different fabrics for fabric manipulation that I think are related to the subject matter. then for the texture I went with this wavy wrinkle shot of a fabric that has a beautiful flow movement, which I think really adds to the moodboard.



These are the initial ten designs for this project. I originally intended to design an all-female collection, but because I'd never designed for a male garment, I decided to do both. To fit my subject matter, I chose a few fabric manipulations, the majority of which are ruching and ruffles.

Mr Jasmi assisted me in selecting three looks from my first ten designs to develop into five other designs each.



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